Özgeçmiş - EN
09 Mayıs 2024



He was born on 22.04.1968 in Ayancık District of Sinop Province. He completed his primary and secondary education in Boyabat District of Sinop Province. He started his first civil service on 22.09.1988.

He graduated from Anadolu University, Department of Social Sciences in 2002.
He graduated from Anadolu University Faculty of Economics in 2008.
He graduated from Anadolu University, Department of Sociology in 2017.

He worked in the Warehouse-Retails, Purchasing, Trusteeship and Health Services units of Kastamonu Provincial Health Directorate.

He worked as Trustee and Chief at Kastamonu Oral and Dental Health Center between 2008-2013.

He served as the Administrative and Financial Affairs Manager of our city İnebolu State Hospital between 2013 and 2017.

He served as the Administrative and Financial Affairs Manager of our city Cide State Hospital between 2019-2024.

He started his duty as Administrative and Financial Affairs Manager in our hospital on 02.05.2024.
He is married and has two children.